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work load 工作負荷(量),勞動負荷(量)〔在一定時間內分配[指定]...

work people

Five - yearly operational testing should be done by lowering the boat loaded to a proof load of 1 . 1times the maximum working load of the winch , or equivalent load 五年度操作測試應該使船裝載超過最大裝載負荷的1 . 1倍或者等于裝載負荷的貨物,然后下沉。

The working load balanced technology , realized involved the platform the real - time monitoring , as well as to mobile termination connection assignment and control 使用負載均衡技術,實現了介入平臺的實時監控,以及對移動終端連接的分配和控制。

Scenarios are important because they provide you with flexibility in configuring test characteristics that allow for simulation of complex , realistic work loads 通過方案可以靈活地配置測試特征,便于模擬復雜的現實工作負載,因此方案非常重要。

Careful consideration should be given to the weight of material and equipment to be lifted by cranes so that the safe working load of the crane is never exceeded 必須慎重考慮準備用吊車起吊的材料和設備的重量,決不可超過吊車的安全工作負荷。

Arranging the courses by hand and traditional ways , we have great work load , cost much time , use up many resources , but the accuracy of curriculum schedule is low 使用手工或傳統的方法來排課,不僅工作量巨大,耗時、耗資,且準確率低。

The name given to the members of the same lan , sharing the same programs and files , and , most likely , coordinating tasks and work load 給同一局域網中所有成員取定的名稱,這些成員共享同樣的程序和文件,并很可能相互間要協調任務和工作負荷。

To begin removing the database , the database administrator stops the query work load coming into the database from each of the server instances 為了刪除數據庫,數據庫管理員需要停止從每個服務器實例進入該數據庫的查詢工作負荷。

1 the inspector will date and sign the “ green “ tag when there are no defects in scaffold construction noting total working load on tag 當腳手架結構不存在缺陷時,將在“綠色”標牌上簽署日期和姓名,并在標牌上記錄總工作負荷。

However , the gap can become substantial if the principal server is under a heavy work load or the system of the mirror server is over loaded 但是,如果主體服務器的工作負荷過高或鏡像服務器系統的負荷過高,則時間間隔會增大。

Provide proof that courses with a total work load of at least 24 creadit points have been successfully completed in one of the natural sciences ( as a minor ) 提供在一門自然科學(非專業主課)成功學夠24分學分的課程的證明材料。

The amount of time required to apply the log depends on the speed of the system , the recent work load , and the amount of log in the redo queue 應用日志所需的時間取決于系統的速度、最近的工作負載以及重做隊列中的日志量。

D . develop the respiratory and cardiovascular system . this prepares the body to be able to perform work loads over periods of time and aids in recovery 提升呼吸系統與心血管系統.為身體的承受與恢復能力作好準備

Scaffolds should have their safe working loads posted or visible to those working who will be performing work on the scaffold 腳手架上應該懸掛安全工作負荷的標語/標識,其位置應該便于讓在腳手架上工作的人看清。

The utilization of the basic principle of colour can raise the researching efficiency of colourful cocoon silk and reduce work load 利用色彩三要素理論可以大大提高家蠶彩色繭絲的研究效率,減少工作量。

Does not use traditional as faras possible the manual way , reduced service work load and enhances the working effciency 盡量避免傳統方式的手工操作,以減少物品購銷業務的工作量,從而提高工作效率。

Correctly estimated their work load for six weeks , they were not given a full six weeks to complete those tasks 盡管他們正確的評估了他們六周里的工作量, 2 . 0版本的一些特徵依然沒有完成。

Because the oil - field development dynamic analysis involves surface broad , work load big , the comprehensive nature is strong 由于油田開發動態分析涉及的面廣,工作量大,綜合性強。

Demonstrated ability to manage priorities and complete work load on time with attention to detail and accuracy 展示順序管理的能力,能夠準時將全部工作安排妥當,注意細節和精確性。

The safe working load is clearly and continuously on the sleeve . - eash sling is packed in plastic with ce declaration of confirmity 每一吊帶都有塑料袋包裝,并附有工程確認報告。